Friday, December 12, 2014

How to make yourself as an Search Engine Optimizer?

 How to make yourself as an Search Engine Optimizer?
When a person thinks, he/she will become themselves as an search engine optimizer; they have to know what search engine optimization is and who does it works?
Search Engine Optimization is a process by which, people will be improving and promoting their site in order to more visitors will visit that site by using search engine and Visitors can easily access their desire website via using search engine. Moreover SEO is simply a fact is that make sure your site is ready in a process that search engines can identify.
SEO doesn’t mean that only website will be search engine friendly. The main work of SEO is, by using SEO visitor can easily get their desire site or information. So as SEO experts main work is to find out best terms and phrases (keywords), which will generate traffic as a result that website become search engine friendly.
My name is Hasan Rahman.
hasan rahman
Hasan Rahman
 I have an intention to make myself as an Search Engine Optimizer. Now I am working in a Group of Company as a SR. Marketing Executive from 2013 to still now. . Hasan Rahman is an optimistic person. I love to struggle for establishing my career. Now I have a lot of interest about Information Technology, SMM (social media marketing) and SEO (search engine optimization). Actually I had no knowledge about IT marketing or SEO and I was not think about that things but when I was start working as a marketing officer on Information Technology, then I realized that.
So when you think, you will make yourself as an search engine optimizer, you need to know how to use and implement the following tools and features:
Which tools and software will use for search engine and know how to use properly those tools. Make sure perfect use of all popular social media sites. Perfect keywords research for your site and proper using various types of links in your website.
Create more relevant, resourceful and readable content that they want to read.
If they’re looking for a solution, provide them with the best possible and honest alternative
Use the social media platforms to conduct a survey. Post questions to your fans on Facebook or followers on Twitter, or send a short questionnaire to your email subscribers asking them what they enjoy reading the most about on your blog.
Analyze your statistics in Google Analytics to see what pages your readers are drawn to the most, and what pages have the highest exit rates (bounce). What search queries are being used to find content.
Post a reader’s poll on your Facebook page or in the sidebar of your blog
Host contests, offer them prizes, and let them understand that you really care.

Keyword Research:

Before You Start keyword research, you need to identify the following things:
    Identify your products and service
    Identify your brand value
    Identify your competition
    Identify your target markets (B2C vs. B2B)
    Get your keyword data from:
    Google Webmaster Tools
    Google Analytics or other Web Analytics Tools
    Google Ad Words PPC Keywords
    You competitors’ keywords
The keywords which have largest number of searches and smallest competition is the best one to target for your website or blog.
Keyword 1: Low Demand and Low Competition -> Worthy to goal.
Keyword 2: Low Demand and High Competition -> won’t be profitable to objective
Keyword 3: High Demand and High Competition -> will be hard to lead
Keyword 4: High Demand and Low Competition -> Preferred Ones. Begin with these keywords.

How can you find a search engine friendly domain?

Try to use your main keyword in the domain name. If the goal is to sell baseball cards in the San Francisco Bay area, try something to the effect of
Make sure to prepare for brand recognition. In all businesses, effective branding is essential; choose a name that is precise and exciting and that will also leave a memorable thought in your customers mind. Avoid using unwanted characters. Underscores, hyphens, dashes and other special characters deduct from your SEO score. Forget using numbers. Numbers are treated like special characters, search engines don't like them - although difficult, try obtaining a short name.
Choose a credible name. In link building efforts, you'll want to have an attractive name so your link affiliates will be proud have it on their sites. Go with a .com extension. It seems as though the search spiders favor .com over all other options. The only exception to the rule is if you're eligible for an .org, .edu or .gov extension. Buy the additional .net, .biz extensions for the sole purpose of linking back to your .com site. It fights off potential site copiers and also assists in building inbound links.
Register your domain for over three years at a time. The engines prefer longer registrations as they believe the site will be around for a long period of time.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

About Hasan Rahman with his thought on IT Marketing

                                      Md. Hasan Rahman

hasan rahman

        I was born 10th November 1985 in a rural village in Shrenogor , Monshigonj, Dhaka, Bangladesh. On that time my father was working in a government Hospital in shrenogor. My father was staying on that place for 4 years. I heard from my father & mother when I was born, on that time I was looking so cute and bulky. My parents maintaining all Muslim after birth procedure like providing Azan, having some honey and so on. My grandmother was available on that time in our house. She was taking caring a lot to my mother and me. However  when I becoming adult my father and mother  in some family gossiping  moment say some peculiar  story about myself, I was enjoying a lot and ask them really am I do this?

           I was starting my primary school in Saturia, Manikgonj. My school name is West Kawonnara Government Primary School.  I was studding there for class one to class five. It was a remarkable place in my life. I was enjoying a lot on my primary school life, especially when I was playing with my friends on the school playground.Sometimes, some of our teacher will punished us because, we ware plying on class time.
            I really missing that moments and some time I wish if I can go back on that time again.
Nonetheless after completing my primary school life I got admission in Saturia Adarsh Pilot High School. I studding there from class six to class ten and successfully completed HSC in 2000.I was captain of my school cricket team.

          Then I was admitted in Dhaka Biggan College in March 2000. I was complotting HSC in 2002 with 1st division mark. After then I got admission in Bachelor program in State University of Bangladesh. It was a four years bachelor degree program.  I was successfully completed bachelor degree in 2007.

         After completing bachelor degree I got admission in Brunel University London for Master’s Program in 2009.I was continuing this course but in the middle of my course I can’t continue anymore because of my personal problem.Then again I toke admission in Guildhall College in London. From there I was completing PGD in Business Management (Under authorization of Glostashire University London). In the mine time I was visiting some of European countries via sensing visa.

                 Now I am working in a Group of Company ( ) as   
SR. Marketing Executive from 2013 to still now.

        My father and Mother was a Government Service Holder. I have one elder brother and sister. They are also government service holder. My brother & sister is married person, they have kids also. I love my nephews a lot.

        However still now I am explaining about my past life but now I want to explain about my mission, goal, and my future plain. I am an optimistic person. I love to struggle for establishing my career. Now I have a lot of interest about Information Technology, SMM (social media marketing) and SEO (search engine optimization). Actually I had no knowledge about IT marketing or SEO and I was not think about that things but when I was start working as a marketing officer on Information Technology, then I realized that.

       In my point of view IT professionals market place is whole the world. He or She can do marketing globally; there are no bindings or limitations. I think information technology marketing place is bigger than the other products market place. In Bangladesh IT is the second prospective sector. Bangladesh Government already takes some effective stapes to develop this sector like IT Hi Tech Park, IT village etc. Day by day we are becoming dependent on online services which make our more easier & faster. We think our new generation will be fully depending on online services. Now a day’s all the company will try to provide their services through online. E-commerce business is growing rapidly in our country like,, so on. Now Bangladesh is not dependent for ERP, HRM, and Sales Management etc. software to foreign countries, many of our country is developing this type of software in low cost rather than other country.

        In those above prospective I decide to establish my career in Information Technology marketing. My goal is that to develop this sector by sealing IT products through global market.

Thank You
Md. Hasan Rahman